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Gustav Nikiforov

[S3E7] Branch Closing

At the Stamford branch, Jim faxes Dwight a message from "Future Dwight" on stationery he stole before leaving Scranton. Dwight receives a fax warning that the coffee is poisoned and responds by dramatically knocking a mug of coffee out of Stanley's hand.

[S3E7] Branch Closing

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Jan informs Michael that the board has voted to close the Scranton branch. A small number of people will be transferred to Stamford while the rest (including Michael) will receive severance packages. Michael takes the news badly, and it isn't long before he spills the beans to the office prematurely.

Reactions to the news vary, as revealed in a series of talking head interviews. Stanley is thrilled and looks forward to retiring and traveling with his wife, Ryan notes the irony that the news is announced the day he receives his business cards, Angela calmly blames everyone, and a distraught Kelly threatens to kill herself if Ryan loses his job while she gets to keep hers, just like Romeo and Juliet (the Claire Danes version). Jim notes Scranton's closing with a tinge of disappointment, and Pam considers it a blessing in disguise, since she has started catching herself answering her home phone with "Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam." Roy is unsure whether he wants to keep working at the warehouse if Pam leaves. But the warehouse workers are not in danger: The new warehouse owner Bob Vance (of Vance Refrigeration) offered to retain the warehouse crew.

Amidst the celebration at the Stamford branch, Jan informs their branch manager Josh that he will be taking over the newly-formed division Dunder Mifflin Northeast, which will be all of the offices north of Stamford. Josh turns down the offer, however, revealing that he has leveraged the situation to obtain a senior management position at Dunder Mifflin's main competitor Staples. This throws the entire restructuring into disarray. Jim remarks in a talking head interview, "Say what you will about Michael Scott, but he would never do that."

Jan returns to the conference room and informs Jim that the new plan is for Scranton to absorb Stamford. She offers Jim the number two position at the Scranton branch, but Jim is unsure, as he has unresolved personal issues at the Scranton branch (which Jan assumes are due to Michael). Karen and Jim discuss the situation, and Karen says that if asked, she would go to Scranton. Jim is still undecided but suggests that Karen investigate job opportunities in New York rather than moving to Scranton. As for Andy, he creates a mess in the break room in frustration.

Jan returns to the Scranton branch, only to find chaos: Michael is gone, Stanley happily packs up his things, and Ryan flings his new business cards into the air. Demanding an explanation, Jan learns that Michael had told them of the branch's closing, at which point she informs them that their branch is not closing after all. With the exception of Stanley, the office is relieved that their jobs are safe. (Even Kevin and Angela embrace upon hearing the news.) They decide to go out to celebrate. Pam anxiously asks Jan whether anyone from Stamford is coming back to Scranton. Kelly is thrilled that she and Ryan don't have to break up now that their jobs are safe.

Night has fallen, and Michael and Dwight continue to wait for the CFO to come home. Pam calls Michael's cell phone to let him know that the Scranton branch is safe, but he refuses to answer calls from the office until he can give them "good news." As it gets later, Michael gets more and more despondent. While Dwight steps away to check his voicemail, Michael, talking to himself, finally accepts defeat, lying on the sidewalk and bitterly accepting his failure - only to be interrupted by a scream from Dwight, who tells him that the Scranton branch has been saved. As the reality of this statement finally sinks in, the pair joyfully celebrate their success, unsure exactly how they accomplished it.

As he heads home from work, Toby tells the documentary crew that he dreamed of selling his house, moving to Costa Rica, and learning how to surf, plans which had to be put on hold when the Scranton branch was saved. "Costa Rica will still be there... when I'm 65."

Meredith first believes that she makes the future sexual liaison pact with Michael, but he says it is not so. Toby is equally unhelpful on the matter. Finally, Gary Trundle, Meredith's former coworker from another branch's warehouse, calls to remind her of a deal he had made with her long ago. Meredith asks him to be at her place in 20 minutes. She confirms the closing to Gary even though she knows that the decision to close has been reversed, initially telling him the truth before cutting herself off to plan the rendezvous.

Creed takes pictures of office property on his desk and advertises the items online. He makes several deals throughout the day and ultimately earns $1,200 selling Dunder Mifflin property from a branch now scheduled to remain open (giving proper context to Kevin's line, which remained in the aired version, that Creed would be paying for the post-work celebration at Poor Richard's).

In the episode once Michael announces that Scranton is closing, everyone is kind of packing up around the office. Creed pulls out a digital camera, walks over to Stanley and takes a picture. Stanley asks if Creed is feeling nostalgic. Creed responds ".... Yeah, Nostalgic" and then walks back to his computer, uploads the photo and rubs his hands together then the scene cuts and its never brought back up.

In Season 3, Episode 7, "Branch Closing," Jan tells Michael that the Scranton branch will be closing and he'll be losing his job. She explains that the decision was made because the board feels Porter has a bright future at the company. However, when Porter reveals that he leveraged his new promotion to get a Senior Manager position at Staples, the decision is reversed. Stamford gets the axe and Dunder Mifflin keeps Scranton up and running.

For fans, choosing a favorite "The Office," moment can be pretty difficult. Phyllis Smith chose one between characters Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute (Rainn Wilson). Despite this scene taking place during an episode where it seems like the Scranton office branch is permanently closing, it's actually the moment when Michael and Dwight celebrate a sudden change in plans that Smith enjoys the most.

(''Branch Closing,'' Season 3, Episode 7)In the opening of this episode, Jim tells the camera crew that before transferring to Dunder Mifflin's Stamford branch, he stole a bunch of Dwight's company letterheads. He then continues to say that he has been faxing Dwight messages, from himself, from the future. The fax read, "Dwight, At 8 a.m. today someone poisons the coffee. Do not drink the coffee. More instructions will follow. Cordially, Future Dwight." This causes Dwight to run towards Stanley who is about to drink a cup of coffee and smacks it out of Stanley's hand.

(''Product Recall,'' Season 3, Episode 20)In this episode's opening, Jim walks into The Office with his hair and outfit resembling Dwight. He then sits down at his desk and puts on glasses that resemble Dwight's. He goes on to start talking like Dwight, to Dwight, saying things like, "Fact. Bears eat beets. Bears. Beets. Battlestar Galactica." Suddenly Dwight understands that Jim is pretending to be him. Dwight starts to get upset and says, "Identity theft is not a joke, Jim! Millions of families suffer every year!" This makes Jim yell "Michael!" as Dwight would normally do and Dwight does the same and storms off. At the closing of the episode, Dwight tries to retaliate by dressing up and acting like Jim. This backfires as everyone comments on how good Dwight looks.

('Garden Party,'' Season 8, Episode 4)Andy (being the new boss) wants to throw a garden party in order to impress the new CEO and his family. It is being thrown at Dwight's farm and Dwight is so serious about planning the party that he purchases the only copy of Throwing A Garden Party, written by James Trickington (better known as Jim Halpert). The book has tips that Dwight follows such as announcing every guest's name loudly as the enter, that the host's main duty is dance master, the last supper reenactment is expected entertainment, and that there must be a closing ceremony performed with torches at the end of the party.

Vampires, demons, witches, and humans are all related, all branches on the same tree. Our family history is written in the book. Our genetic profiles tell the same story, that each member of The Congregation here is related to one another.

The focus then shifts to the Citadel of Ricks, now being reconstructed without a council of Ricks since they were murdered by Rick C-137. The divide between Ricks and Mortys grows wider, the Ricks in the citadel are dissatisfied owing to their own innate nature being stifled by Ricks in authority, Rick-less Mortys have turned to crime, and all this while the newly democratic Citadel preps for its presidential elections with five Ricks against one Morty from the Morty party facing impossible odds. The narrative from here branches off into four separate ones, and meets in the end for the big twist.

Alexis has returned to high school, specifically in Jocelyn's class, to obtain her diploma. Alexis finds that her approach to school may cause a problem for herself, both with Jocelyn and her fellow classmates, especially the girls. Johnny has decided to offer a complimentary continental breakfast to the motel guests, utilizing the services of Ivan, who supplies baked goods, specifically muffins, for the cafe. In their new relationship as baker and customer, shy Ivan confides in Johnny that he would like, instead of money, to utilize his services in return, something akin to Cyrano de Bergerac. And the only general store in town is closing due to poor sales. Moira, as a councilor, learns that a big box retailer, namely Christmas World, is interested in taking over the lease, which requires the approval of council. Moira's view on Christmas World coming to town changes when David, urged by Stevie, wants to take over the lease himself, he feeling that his time, not only at the Blouse Barn, but in running art galleries - albeit with his parents as investors - puts him in good stead to make the general store a success. In the process, David learns some long hidden truths about some of his past retailing successes. 041b061a72


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