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Pablito Burgos
Pablito Burgos

Restaurant Ordering System In VB.Net With Source Code

Restaurant Ordering System in VB.Net With Source Code

A restaurant ordering system is a software application that allows customers to place orders for food and beverages from a restaurant's menu. The system can also handle payments, inventory management, customer feedback, and other functions related to the restaurant business. A restaurant ordering system can be implemented using various programming languages, such as VB.Net, which is a popular and easy-to-use language for developing Windows-based applications.

In this article, we will show you how to create a simple restaurant ordering system in VB.Net with source code. The system will have the following features:


  • A user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI) that displays the menu items, prices, and order details.

  • A database connection that stores and retrieves the menu items, orders, and customers' information.

  • A print function that generates a receipt for each order.

  • A search function that allows the user to find a specific menu item or customer by name or ID.

  • A validation function that checks the input data for errors and prevents invalid or duplicate entries.

The source code of the restaurant ordering system in VB.Net is available for free download at [this link]. You can also watch the video tutorials on how to create the system step by step at [this link], [this link], and [this link].

How to Create a Restaurant Ordering System in VB.Net With Source Code

To create a restaurant ordering system in VB.Net with source code, you will need the following tools and components:

  • A Windows operating system (Windows 7/8/10 or Windows Server 2012/2014)

  • A Visual Studio IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that supports VB.Net (Visual Studio 2010/2012/2013/2015/2017/2019)

  • A Microsoft Access database file that contains the tables and queries for the menu items, orders, and customers.

The steps to create the restaurant ordering system in VB.Net with source code are as follows:

  • Open Visual Studio and create a new Windows Forms Application project in VB.Net. Name the project as "RestaurantOrderingSystem".

  • Add a new form to the project and name it as "frmMain". This will be the main form of the system that displays the menu items and order details.

  • Add four labels to the form and name them as "lblTitle", "lblMenu", "lblOrder", and "lblTotal". Set their text properties as "Restaurant Ordering System", "Menu", "Order", and "Total" respectively. Set their font properties as bold and large.

  • Add a list box to the form and name it as "lstMenu". This will display the menu items from the database. Set its selection mode property as "One".

  • Add another list box to the form and name it as "lstOrder". This will display the order details of the selected menu item. Set its selection mode property as "None".

  • Add two buttons to the form and name them as "btnAdd" and "btnRemove". Set their text properties as "Add" and "Remove" respectively. These buttons will allow the user to add or remove a menu item from the order.

  • Add another button to the form and name it as "btnPrint". Set its text property as "Print". This button will print a receipt for the order.

  • Add another button to the form and name it as "btnClear". Set its text property as "Clear". This button will clear the order details.

  • Add another button to the form and name it as "btnExit". Set its text property as "Exit". This button will close the application.

  • Add two text boxes to the form and name them as "txtQuantity" and "txtTotal". These text boxes will display the quantity and total amount of the order. Set their read only properties as "True".

  • Add an image box to the form and name it as "picLogo". This image box will display a logo for the restaurant. Set its size mode property as "Zoom" and load an image file of your choice.

  • Arrange the controls on the form according to your preference. You can use anchors, docks, or panels to adjust their positions and sizes.

  • Add another form to the project and name it as "frmSearch". This will be a secondary form that allows the user to search for a specific menu item or customer by name or ID.

  • Add two radio buttons to the form and name them as "rdoMenuItem" and "rdoCustomer". Set their text properties as "Menu Item" and "Customer" respectively. These radio buttons will let the user choose the search category.

  • Add a label to the form and name it as "lblSearch". Set its text property as "Search by:".

  • Add a combo box to the form and name it as "cboSearch". This combo box will display the search options based on the selected category. For example, if the user chooses "Menu Item", the combo box will show "Name" and "ID" as the search options.

  • Add another label to the form and name it as "lblKeyword". Set its text property as "Enter keyword:".

  • Add another text box to the form and name it as "txtKeyword". This text box will allow the user to enter the keyword for the search.

  • Add a button to the form and name it as "btnSearch". Set its text property as "Search". This button will perform the search operation and display the results.

  • Add a data grid view to the form and name it as "dgvSearch". This data grid view will display the search results from the database.

  • Arrange the controls on the form according to your preference. You can use anchors, docks, or panels to adjust their positions and sizes.

  • Add a reference to the System.Data.OleDb namespace in both forms. This namespace provides classes and methods for connecting to and manipulating data from an Access database.

  • Declare a global variable of type OleDbConnection in both forms. This variable will hold the connection object that connects to the database. For example:

Dim con As OleDbConnection

  • In the frmMain form, declare another global variable of type Double. This variable will store the total amount of the order. For example:

Dim total As Double

  • In the frmMain form, create a sub procedure named "LoadMenu". This procedure will load the menu items from the database and display them in the lstMenu list box. For example:

Private Sub LoadMenu() 'Create a command object that executes a SQL query to select all records from the Menu table Dim cmd As New OleDbCommand("SELECT * FROM Menu", con) 'Create a data reader object that reads data from the command object Dim dr As OleDbDataReader = cmd.ExecuteReader() 'Clear any existing items in the list box lstMenu.Items.Clear() 'Loop through each record in the data reader While dr.Read() 'Create a string variable that concatenates the menu item name and price Dim item As String = dr("Name") & " - $" & dr("Price") 'Add the item to the list box lstMenu.Items.Add(item) End While 'Close the data reader dr.Close() End Sub

  • In the frmMain form, create another sub procedure named "CalculateTotal". This procedure will calculate the total amount of the order based on the quantity and price of each menu item. For example:

Private Sub CalculateTotal() 'Initialize the total variable to zero total = 0 'Loop through each item in the lstOrder list box For Each item As String In lstOrder.Items 'Split the item string by space and store it in an array Dim arr() As String = item.Split(" ") 'Get the quantity and price values from the array Dim quantity As Integer = CInt(arr(0)) Dim price As Double = CDbl(arr(2)) 'Multiply the quantity and price and add it to the total total += quantity * price Next 'Display the total amount in the txtTotal text box with two decimal places txtTotal.Text = Format(total, "0.00") End Sub

  • In the frmMain form, create another sub procedure named "PrintReceipt". This procedure will print a receipt for the order using a print document object. For example:

Private Sub PrintReceipt() 'Create a print document object that represents a document to print Dim pd As New PrintDocument() 'Create a print dialog object that allows users to select printer settings Dim pdlg As New PrintDialog() 'Set the document property of the print dialog object to pd pdlg.Document = pd 'Show the print dialog and check if users click OK If pdlg.ShowDialog() = DialogResult.OK Then, the following code will execute: 'Add an event handler for the PrintPage event of the pd object AddHandler pd.PrintPage, AddressOf pd_PrintPage 'Print the document pd.Print() End If End Sub Private Sub pd_PrintPage(sender As Object, e As PrintPageEventArgs) 'Create a graphics object that draws on the print document Dim g As Graphics = e.Graphics 'Create a font object that specifies the font style and size Dim font As New Font("Arial", 12) 'Create a brush object that specifies the color of the text Dim brush As New SolidBrush(Color.Black) 'Create a string format object that specifies the alignment of the text Dim sf As New StringFormat() sf.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center 'Create a rectangle object that specifies the area to draw the text Dim rect As New Rectangle(0, 0, e.PageBounds.Width, e.PageBounds.Height) 'Create a string variable that contains the receipt text Dim receipt As String = "Restaurant Ordering System" & vbNewLine & "----------------------------------------" & vbNewLine &

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